Beginning of the Story
Story concept by Francoise Elliott. Written by David Dakan Allison
AMELIA SINCLAIR (39) lives an ideal life with her husband ERIK (45) and their two teenage children, JOHN (17) and SARAH (15) in the Southern California City of Newport Beach, south of LA. Their house overlooks the Pacific Ocean, a two minute walk to the beach. Erik is a successful physician, specializing in brain surgery and immunology, the head of his department at a major Orange County Hospital. He loves his job, and his life of wealth; his huge house, his Porsche Carrera, a ski chalet in the mountains, etc. Amelia teaches yoga and would rather live in the rustic chalet, far away from the demands of materialistic upper class society. John and Sarah go to Newport Beach High and are above average students.
It’s a perfect sunny day, the waves lapping gently on the shore. Lying on the beach, Amelia and Sarah are happy. Sarah says they have the best family in the world; that it’s a gift of God to have such wonderful parents, and John as her brother. Sarah wonders if her soul choose this family, to have such a sweet and caring mother. Amelia tells Sarah that she is a gift from God; that they her waited for her to be born. She tells Sarah that she brings balance and happiness into the family. They look at Erik and John, playing in water; John’s teaching his father how to surf. Amelia and Sarah get up and start chasing each other, laughing, playing like two teenage girls. The ideal happy family.
Erik’s beeper goes off. The red flashing light tells her it’s an emergency. She calls for and he leaves immediately; speeds to the hospital in his Porsche. Entering through the Emergency Room, his scared looking staff leads him to an ER. Another doctor tells him the patient is close to death and turning green. Erik feels his pulse, without a glove, and with his two nurses, takes blood and gives him a heavy dose of antibiotics. Erik doesn’t know that he has been contaminated; that this man is the host of powerful negative electromagnetic energy, and that the contamination is spreading throughout the whole ward, Erik and his nurses most intensely. The man is sent through a cat scan, but they aren’t really seeing anything. The green skin indicates that he is drained of life force energy, but no machine detects zombie-like symptoms, transferred energetically. They don’t know the man was electro-magnetically contaminated by scientists, in a secret lab, with an evil agenda. Erik is keeps a close eye on this man. John arrives at the hospital with dinner for his father. Unknowingly, he also becomes contaminated.
Several days later, at a Newport High basketball game, Erik and John have head aches. They tell Amelia, but brush it off as too much sun that day, or maybe too much salt in the popcorn. She makes a soothing tea and runs a hot bath for her husband.
The days pass. Amelia teaches her yoga classes and cooks a good healthy meals for her family. Hospital tests indicate symptoms similar to radiation poisoning; they quarantine the green man for forty days. His health isn’t improving. Erik looks in on the man, and he continues to have headaches, not thinking they have anything to do with this man, who barely holds on to life. John also has daily headaches, as does Sarah. Like John, she becomes more serious about her school work.
Amelia is the only person not getting headaches. As a yoga instructor she teaches and practices protecting our aura with an electro-magnetic shield, to wake up each morning and visualize this shield around you. It has become a habit for her to do this throughout the day. She has never been able to teach this to her busy family. She contents that some outside force or energy is causing their headaches; they disagree. She protects herself all the more, so she won’t get headaches and have low energy.
As Erik’s headaches increase, he’s gone for longer hours. He doesn’t want to listen to Amelia’s advice; he is the doctor, after all. They begin to grow apart. John and Sarah stay busy with their studies. They too grow distant from Amelia. Their friends begin complaining of headaches. Amelia is now only comfortable around the loyal students in her yoga classes, those who daily protect their body, mind, emotions and soul.
Amelia and Erik’s relationship begins to fall about. She can’t do anything to please him, and doesn’t recognize the man she married and loved. John and Sarah stop seeking her help and advice, and make excuses not to be with her. It seems as though Erik has turned her children and best friends against her, who wonder whats wrong with Amelia. There’s nothing she can say or do to make it go back to how it was; her whole family dynamic has been shattered, and the people she loves most in life are estranged from her. She realizes he has no other option but to leave. She suggests Nepal and India. They think it’s a good idea that she go to “find herself,” and solve her problem.
Amelia takes a taxi to the airport. She leaves feeling like she has lost her family. All alone and scared, she realizes leaving is better than not being wanted.
Amelia arrives in Kathmandu. The taxi ride, to her hotel near the center of the city, is insane. She’s in culture shock; too many people, too much dust, and pollution; too much craziness. The driver can’t find her hotel, so he lets her off at the wrong one, where she asks to rent a comfortable clean room. No singles are available, so she accepts a dormitory room, pays for a week, falls on her cot and cries. She’s sad and lonely. Later two girls in their early twenties come into the dorm room. They are friendly, and console her. Amelia doesn’t know that these girls are con artists. They tell her a story about a holy monk who will help her. Amelia is disoriented and disturbed, so she agrees to meet him. He asks for an up-front donation with each visit, and demands she comes four times a day to purify her energy field; to pray, meditate and do yoga. After a week she realizes she does all this on her own naturally, and why give this man money? She goes to a travel agency and pays for a tour package; three days at a mountain monastery. She asks the hotel manager to watch her two suitcases. She only takes her down jacket, camera, one change of clothes and a few essentials that fit in a day pack.
Amelia arrives at a monastery four hours later. She is given her own little room, and is told to relax for the trek the next morning. After dinner she goes to the prayer hall, and is invited to sit and talk with the Lama of the monastery. He is a very kind man who speaks perfect English. On her second night she decides to tell him her story, of what happened with her family, and the monk in Kathmandu. He tells her that it’s not her who has the problem, and to never give Buddhist monks money. He’s very wise, and recommends she visit a high Rinpoche when she returns to Kathmandu the next day.
Back at her hotel in Kathmandu the next evening, Amelia is shocked. Her suitcases are gone. The manager says he received an email giving him permission to let her “girlfriends” take her things to Amelia’s new place in the mountains. It was all a lie. They stole everything, including her passport, credit cards and all her clothing. She’s in great despair. It is Friday night and the Embassy wouldn’t open until Monday. She cries in her empty dorm room.