Spirit Guide Masks
These are photos of my one-of-a-kind original ceramic art creations. The designs can be put on canvas or T-shirts. The prices include free shipping.
Payment is at PayPal
For information regarding buying the originals with the price shown below, please contact me.

SM #1A

SM #1
SM #2
SM #3

All the the images on this page can be put on T-shirts. To keep it simple I’m only offering black and white colors in S,M,L,XL. Send me an email with the product number and size and get on it. $25 in 100% cotton.

SM #4
SM #5
SM #6

SM #7
SM #8
SM #9

SM #13
SM #14
SM #15
SM #16

SM #17
SM #18
SM #19
SM #20

SM #21
SM #22
SM #23
SM #24

SM #11

SM #10

SM #12

Back in the late 1990’s in a Fine Arts Gallery on Kauai called Hale Mana,
Twenty years later the ones on this page, for sale, are all about the same price. Please contact me if interested
I have been making Spirit Faces for 50 years. In the late 1960’s I was a Ceramics Major in college, with an emphasis on adding faces to cups and bowls. I’ve sold my art in galleries or at craft fairs ever since. Following my 4th Dimensioal apprenticeship with a shaman medicine woman named Doris, I became a Shaman Spirit Face Maker. From 1995 to 2010 I made and sold 520 of these original Spirit Faces at $500 each, and some framed Spirit Faces sold for $3000. After 2010 these Spirit Faces have been in my sons’ attic in Seattle waiting to be resurrected, waiting for your wall.