The Highway Shaman Wisdom Readings
for May 16, 2020
“We are the “Creative Forces of God.” We are BRAHMA incarnate.
Instead of being attached to all the excitement, the drama;
To whatever is going on out there in the world,
it’s time to be that Creative Force;
To actualize our Divine gifts;
To SHARE our creations, our ideas and abundance
in a flowing, gentle and kind ROYAL way;
Honoring and respecting everyone; while lovingly encouraging them
To Harmoniously Collaborate in this Divine Creation.”
* Before I wrote that message: Today I decided to do something different with my daily readings. I will still shuffle and randomly draw a card from each of the three tarot decks, write them down as I normally do, and then “ask” for a composite message. This will be the real Highway Shaman Wisdom of the Day. So let’s begin by pulling the first card . . .
Elements Tarot:
BRAHMA: Creative force of God. Exciting and inspiring process of manifestation. initiating, beginning.
REVERSED: Incompleteness. Emphasis on new ideas without actualizing them. Attachment to excitement.
This card came up in Reverse, which is interesting. I do have a new idea which I’m a bit excited about, which I need to actualize – to do what I’m doing right now. The actualizing is an “exciting and inspiring process of manifestation. initiating, beginning.”
Now the second card . . .
Osho Zen Tarot:
“There is no need to go anywhere or make any special effort. You find you can enjoy sensuality without possessiveness or attachment, can give birth to a child or to a new project with an equal sense of creativity fulfilled. Everything around you seems to be ‘coming ‘together’ now. Enjoy it, ground yourself in it, and let the abundance in you and around you overflow.”
The Good Tarot:
Note: this is interesting since I did thoroughly shuffle the deck again and got the exact same card as I drew yesterday. So this is an emphasis of this message; “to be generous, diplomatic, fair, gentle, a good listener, nonjudgmental peacemaker; a mediator.”
“I honor and respect all beings, including myself, and see the commonalities we share and the Spirit that is in all of us. I listen to other voices and blend them with my own wisdom before settling on an opinion, making a decision or taking action. I gently and lovingly lead others away from fear and divisiveness and into harmonious collaboration.”
So again, the message:
“We are the “Creative Forces of God.” We are BRAHMA incarnate.
Instead of being attached to all the excitement, the drama;
To whatever is going on out there in the world,
it’s time to be that Creative Force;
To actualize our Divine gifts;
To SHARE our creations, our ideas and abundance
in a flowing, gentle and kind ROYAL way;
Honoring and respecting everyone; while lovingly encouraging them
To Harmoniously Collaborate in this Divine Creation.”
I had a career as a Shaman Mask Maker. I allowed Spirit to flow through my hands as I created at least a thousand ceramic masks, all unique one of a kind. The picture above is of one of them. My teaching in this creative process is that we all wear masks, a thousand different masks . . . and our task in this life is to keep removing them until we can finally see our beautiful face without a cover. See the shining God or Goddess we truly Are.
Now that I’ve removed my mask, when I go out in public, I have a different response than most. I want to yell, “Take off your fucking mask so I can see Who You Really Are!” The God or Goddess who doesn’t need to live in fear; who doesn’t need to submit to the manipulation of a controller’s agenda.
I won’t wear a mask. I cringe when forced to while in the market, only in respect to the rule- obeying store owner, even though I think blind compliance is unhealthy.
The Divine imperative is to “Be the God who you Are.”
Forced Mask wearing is the opposite statement, “you are not a god, you’re our sheep so do as you’re told, even if it makes no sense or doesn’t do any good at all. Do it or you can’t enter our new world order.” Does that sound like anything which is close to being Divine?
Wear your Mask if you must, but you might contemplate what F word it symbolizes: Freedom or Fear.