Rendering of Robert St.Clair in Two Crows novels by Dakan
The Highway Shaman Wisdom Reading
for July 21, 2020
This reading today opened a subject which I would rather avoid. A dear friend wrote and said I should find ways to get my wisdom out to the world. My response is that I don’t do social networking – Facebook. The reverse of CAUTION comes up – Being overly concerned with avoiding possible dangers. Unwillingness to risk. Followed by PARTICIPATION, saying that I have an opportunity to participate with others now to make my contribution to creating something greater and more beautiful than I would manage alone. I could do that, if one of the others were the marketing person. I like the PAGE OF WATER, my being open to hear fully, allowing myself to feel childlike wonder and innocence. That doesn’t happen when I get serious about whether anyone is reading my blogs or not. My world seems to work fine when I innocently do my art and write my stories. It all falls apart when I feel the pressure to market or sell what OI’ve created. Is this an unwillingness to risk, or an acknowledgment of who I rally am?
The Elements Tarot: CAUTION:
Need for discernment. Aware ness and sensitivity to possible obstacles.
REVERSED: Excess of caution. Being overly concerned with avoiding possible dangers. Unwillingness to risk.
Osho Zen Tarot: 4 of Fire – PARTICIPATION
Philosophy is speculation, Zen is participation. Participate in the night leaving, participate in the evening coming, participate in the stars and participate in the clouds; make participation your lifestyle and the whole existence becomes such a joy, such an ecstasy. You could not have dreamed of a better universe.
“You have an opportunity to participate with others now to make your contribution to creating something greater and more beautiful than each of you could manage alone. Your participation will not only nourish you, but will also contribute something precious to the whole.”
The Good Tarot – PAGE OF WATER – Openheartedness, Innocence and curiosity, beginning of intimacy and relationships, playfulness ,cheerful optimism
“I open my hear fully, allowing myself to feel childlike wonder and innocence. All adventures lead me to where I need to go. Love awaits! Life is a delightful dance, and I am here to frolic and play. I am ready with a big smile, and I have on my dancing shoes.”