Waxed monk in Thailand
The Highway Shaman Wisdom Reading
for July 24, 2020
I ran into my neighbor this morning. He was hungry to speak of the many things in his mind. Of course most of it was political. To me, it was obvious how “locked in” he was to his 3D Matrix feelings. He had no idea how to digest my admittance that I was a Spiritual Being – interested in a Deeper Knowing. What I was hearing from him, and I agree, was that the USA is in CHAOS, that is, the various elements are out of alignment. There seems to be a lack of any central organization or design on how to stop all this chaos, which he assigned blame to. Trump. His control of our nation seems to be be out of his control, or so my neighbor believes. I can observe his feelings and judgments and say all that “is not mine.” That US politics is not what I’m about. I’m all about RESOLUTION, that is, as a Way Shower, A Warrior of the Light, I’m here to bring wholeness and peace to an unstable situation with the aid of spiritual forces. With my inner work and prayer. It is important that I get out of my MIND regarding all of Chaos out there. Talking with my neighbor reminded me that someone was in a head trip, and he gave me the opportunity to check in to make sure it wasn’t me.
Later I listened to a Lorie Ladd video and she reminded me that everything is energy, like I wrote of yesterday. Energy moves constantly in 3D. Everything is always shifting. As Light Workers it is up to us to feel the energy as it passes thorough us and say “I am not that.” I am not the CHAOS of the USA. I am the RESOLUTION. She encourages us to do four things in the midst of this chaos. 1. Feel the emotions without identifying with them. There is fear and anger but it is not mine. 2. Recognize that I am experiencing it – this wave of anger or fear as it passes through me. 3. Know that “this too will pass.” We’re either velcro, which everything sticks to, or we’re not that. 4. Ask – “Who am I?” The other factor which comes into play is JUSTICE: Karma. The law of cause and effect is in play now as I see elements of my life balance out. What goes around comes around. Energy. I’m now seeing evidence of this law in the conditions of my world. The chaos coming around to balance out. In other words this energy passing though me sticks only because I created it in my MIND. I create fear, or hold on to the fear in my mind, and now I have a choice to be in fear, or observe fear. Observe this energy that is passing by. So the Who Am I? The next question may be “Am I fear?” Or “Am I Love.” I choose love.
The Elements Tarot: CHAOS: Elements out of alignment. Lack of any central organization or design. Randomness. Being out of control. Dissipation of the vital force.
REVERSED: Change marked by the dissipation of existing elements, or the integration of new elements. Transition with a potential for instability.
RESOLUTION: Creating peace and stability by developing new or manifesting dormant abilities, approaches or resources. Using inner resources.
REVERSED: Bringing wholeness and peace to an unstable situation with the aid of spiritual forces. Inner work, prayer.
Osho Zen Tarot: Page of Clouds – MIND
This is the situation in your head – I see cycle-handles and pedals and strange things that you have gathered from everywhere. Such a small head . . . and no space to live in! And that rubbish goes on moving in your head, your head goes on spinning and weaving – it keeps you occupied. Just think what kind of thoughts go on inside your mind. One day just sit, close your doors, and write down for half an hour whatsoever is passing in your mind, and you will understand what I mean and you will be surprised what goes on inside your mind. It remains in the background, it is constantly there, it surrounds you like a cloud. With this cloud you cannot know reality – you cannot attain to spiritual perception. This cloud has to be dropped. And it is just with your decision to drop it that it will disappear. You are clinging to it – the cloud is not interested in you, remember it.
“The Page of Clouds is telling you that somebody, somewhere, is stuck in a “head trip”. Take a look and make sure it isn’t you.”
The Good Tarot – JUSTICE: Karma. “The law of cause and effect is in play now as I see elements of my life balance out. What goes around comes around. I’m now seeing evidence of this law in the conditions of my world.”