The Highway Shaman Wisdom
for September14, 2020
A dear friend, a senior woman, has connected with a man, and asked me to do a Spirit Guide reading re. Their relationship. I agreed and what I have written below happened in a straight line – in other words, I began writing and it flowed out exactly as you read below. I think this advice would be good for any senior woman
The Reading
Before I begin this reading I need to say: You know the answer to your question. Women, especially wise women like you, know who they want to share their precious energy with. A woman will only choose the wrong man because of her low self-esteem issues. That’s not you. I think when we get near to or over 70, relationships are less about falling madly in love and more about enjoying a stable companionship. A senior man should be a gentleman, never demanding and always gracious, kind, complimentary and loving to the aging woman. The last chapters of love.
Okay – I started this reading with the Elements Tarot and got three cards = Caution, Fear and Decrease, and decided to stop. I’m sorry – we need to be at this place where we pull cards like: Breaking Through, Expansion, Depth, Branching Out and Service = (I just picked those cards in that order) We (you) don’t need no more stinkin’ challenging love lessons. You are the Divine Goddess of your Creation. Period! My wisest advice is to always remember that the best we can hope for is a “Pleasant sharing to time and space with another.” We need to keep all our relationships light and fun, and with the first sign of the other getting heavy, move the energy back to light. We have way too much inner Light work to do, then to get bogged down in emotional drama during this trying time.
And if you’re in love, Yeah! If you think he’s the right guy, a gentleman who loves and supports everything that you do, will follow YOU up and over the rainbow, then there you go. Get on your pegasus’s and ride baby ride.
Yahoo !!
Now I drew a card from the Good Tarot re. you and your relationship:
ACE of WATER = Unconditional love, overflowing abundance, the fertility of love.
“I am filled with love from Spirit and joyously let it flow out to others, where it fertilizes the seeds of co-creation. Love gives hope, shining brilliant light on all possibilities available to me. I’m optimistic about bringing dreams into being. Spirit always informs me and guides me, allowing me to illumine the darkest of places.”
And now the Osho Zen Tarot = MATURITY – the Ace of Rainbows
My note: Fascinating – drew the Ace of Water and the Ace of Air – the last card in the Osho deck after We are the World.
The distinction between the grasses and the blossoms is the same as between you not knowing that you are a buddha, and the moment you know that you are a buddha. In fact, there is no way to be otherwise. Buddha is completely blossomed, fully opened. His lotuses, his petals, have come to a completion . . . Certainly, to be full of spring yourself is far more beautiful than the autumn dews falling on the lotus leaves. This is one of the most beautiful things to watch: when autumn dews fall on the lotus leaves and shine in the morning sun like real pearls. But of course, it is a momentary experience. As the sun rises, the autumn dews start evaporating.
The temporary beauty cannot be compared, certainly, with an eternal spring in your being. You look back as far as you can and it has always been there. You look forward as much as you can, and you will be surprised: it is your very being. Wherever you are it will be there, and the flowers will continue to shower on you. This is spiritual spring.
“When you draw this card, know well this moment carries a gift – for hard work well done. Your base is solid now and success and good fortune are yours for they are the outcome of what has already been experienced within.”
Next, instead of my normal Elements Tarot reading I drew three cards:
This may means whatever it means to you, but to me it says: Take your Emotions to the Height, or most positive highest possible level, and then be The Master of them.