I first began writing the Lucky Two Crows Novels in 2010. It was an adventure story where old folks disappeared from a dementia home and are followed by detectives to the Himalayas. While on the way there, I introduced Lucky Two Crows. In 2011 I began a full novel about Lucky solving a murder in Montana – before he started chasing the old folks, now on their way to the Yucatan in Mexico. Recently I decided to make The Blackfeet Murder a stand alone novel. The other novels are now titled Two Crows.

The Legend of Two Crows
- The Blackfeet Murder Lucky accepts an offer to solve a murder in Montana, on the Blackfeet reservation where he was born. Its a story of intrigue, love and murder on the reservation. First person. 400 pages finished.

2. Two Crows – Book One – Lucky helps police detective Taylor Banks investigate the disappearance of four elderly people from a dementia facility called Happy Acres. There are allegations regarding murder, but it is basically a Missing Persons Investigation, which is a mystery to solve. The case ends up being a very big deal, since one of the missing old folks, Robert St. Clair, who doesn’t have dementia, just happens to be one of the wealthiest men in the world, accused of murder Third person. 500 pages being edited.

3. Two Crows – Book Two The story continues with Robert St. Clair talking about his past, and where he wants to take his three friends: on what turns out to be a most incredible journey to the Himalayas, with the detective’s not far behind. This is not a murder mystery. The mystery for the detectives is: “Where did they go and how can we find them?” So many questions will be answered in this book; a most illuminating quest, guided by two Immortal Masters, to find the mysterious, and thought to be mystical, valley of Shambala. Robert first person. 500 pages finished.

4. Book Four – Back to the Garden . The last book in Part One of the Legend of Lucky Two Crows Novel Series brings all the pieces together. It continues with what Lucky was actually doing in Chapter One of Book One, before he went to Montana and then the Himalayas: ending the poisoning of our food: the bad seed. The first three novels set the stage for the thrilling climax. Most of the main characters, including the 1876 Blackfeet Indians and the incarnation of General George Armstrong Custer, get involved. This 500 page book is still being written, though most of it is complete.

5. Book Five – Bangkok Bride The book goes back a few months before the conclusion of The Bad Seed novel. Eight months after Lucky and Taylor had return from Shambala, Lucky tells her the story of what happened in Bangkok when he was twenty years old: he married a Thai girl, who may have been pregnant. Taylor is alarmed, but besides that she misses being a detective, and feels they must find the now grow woman and annul the marriage. Their search leads them halfway around the world and into the world of mixed martial arts. The mystery revolves around a Missing Person, and what happens during and after the search. This book includes a great deal of intrigue and romance.

6. Black & White tells the story of a creative solution to bullying. This has been brought to Lucky’s attention. Taylor speaks with an old friend, a Municipal Judge, and since Jimmy has a reputation of helping city kids get their lives turned around through Aikido, he is asked to get involved. Two twelve year old boys have been brought to the judge regarding bullying, and a lesson needs to be taught. He gives Jimmy the authority to set the punishment, believing they will become his students. Jimmy has something else in mind.

7. The Crow Mystery began in Book One. On his way from Boise, Idaho in a classic 1956 Ford F100 pickup, Lucky stops by Hardin, Montana, right outside the Crow Reservation. At a bar he is confronted by thugs from the Native American Army, a Crow Indian Militia who are guarding an abandoned prison. The harassed waitress tells Lucky about so many missing young local men. Mothers and Grandmothers are distraught, since there is no communication from them. She begs Lucky to return to find out whats going on. After his revolution, Lucky returns to Hardin to solve the mystery of the Missing People. .

8. High Pony – This short novel is a supplement to Book One. While in Montana, where he was born, Lucky begins having visions, which are shared with his parallel life self in 1876: Two Crows, a Blackfeet warrior. This is the story of Two Crows, his wife White Feather, and Grandfather Wolf Eyes, all of whom are vital to the on-going Shambala Series. 150 pages finished..

9. – An Aikido Master’s Guide of Zen was written by Jimmy Meriweather. In beginning of the Book Two, Taylor Banks is frustrated that her boss, Captain Jimmy, isn’t giving her any work. He just sits in his Zen decorated Police Bureau office and meditates all day, or so she thinks. What she doesn’t know at that time is that he’s an Aikido Master engaged in writing a book on Zen. This is the book Jimmy wrote, and would best be placed in the Self-Help or Spirituality genre.

10. The Diary of an American Guru. This book is a supplement to Book Three. Robert St. Clair had told the story of when he lived in Shambala for 30 years, where he was to be the next Rinpoche, like the Dalai Lama, in a lineage. During that time Robert wrote a book, which was published in 1965 and titled Many Gods – One Heart. It included parts from his diary, which I compiled in this book. Like the Zen book, it would also be in the Self-Help or Spirituality genre. 150 pages finished.

11. Taylor Banks Guide to Self Love & Great Health
After returning from Shambala, Taylor took over as the owner of Shambala Natural Foods. As the figurehead of the largest organic store chain in the world, she soon realized that not only her diet, but her teaching on health and nutrition, was all part of her role. Most of all, because of what she learned form an Immortal Master, and her boyfriend Lucky Two Crows, she knew that LOVE was the key. This is Taylor’svery real and informative book on Self Love, Self Healing, and Self Moditivation, and like the Zen and Guru books, it would be placed in the Self Help and Spirituality genre.

The Legend of the Crystal Spheres
12. Book One – The Royal Twins The Legend of the Crystal Spheres series begins in Shanghai, China, with the Chinese detective Tashi Jones entering a crypt, finding the perfectly preserved remains of headless royal Chinese twins. What is their story? Tashi has to find out. In the meantime Kit and Kat Khang, sixteen year old twins, who live in Kauai, Hawaii, are given a sign by the ancient Goddess Hina: a clue that their mother is still alive. They go Shanghai to visit their wealthy father Kozo, who has hired Tashi to find a missing priceless Mask. Once there the twins follow clues to find their mother, who has been missing for eleven years. They refuse to believe she’s dead. Thus begins and exciting adventure in and out of time.

13 . Book Two – The Rabbit Hole begins on the sacred Kunlun mountain not far from Shanghai, on their father’s estate. This is where the twins meet the Tiangou Shaman, who begins their in and out of time adventure. They are sucked into the earth and end up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where dolphins take them to an underwater Pyramid filled with clues: they have to find five Crystal Spheres in order to open the portal, which will take them to wherever their mother is being held. They move from one amazing place after the other, including a Crystal Pyramid in the Himalayas where they fight off giant monkey soldiers.

14. Book Three – The Middle Earth – with the twins off finding spheres, the evil RuAzul, who rules a small kingdom in the Middle Earth, realizes once he is in possession of all five Crystal Spheres, he will be able to not only rule all the Middle Earth, but the upper Earth as well. He comes to Upper Earth and kidnaps the twins, and takes them to his Palace. All sorts of fantastic things happen there – as we wait to see if the twins can save two worlds.

15. The Crystal Women is an parallel life adventure, a flashback happening in real time, telling the story of how it All began – beginning with how the earth was formed. In the previous books the twins were on a daring quest to find their mother. In order to open the portal into the Middle Earth, they needed to find and place five Crystal Spheres in the Underwater Pyramid, which they discovered in Book 7. By the end of Book 8, they were in possession of the Five Spheres. In this alternate reality book, they have another objective, to find the powerful Kipa, and the five Crystal women and return them to the Ki Earth, a duplicate earth in another dimension. It’s the same story, sort of , but from a different point of view

16. Tashi Jones – Stories about God & Love is a collection of short stories, poetry, and essays, which he had compiled over the years. After experiencing the entire drama of the twins Kit and Kat Khang, the Middle Earth and Crystal Spheres, Tashi’s world view had changed. His thoughts and ideas about God and Love had drastically changed, and he felt compelled to write about it, at least share his thoughts in this book. This is the 4th book in the Self-Help and Spirituality genre.