Always wishing you Peace, Love and Happiness

I’m a 77 year old Artist, Oracle Card Master, Life Coach and Gentleman.
I live with my golden cockerpoo Baka, in the small town on Ajijic on Lake Chapala, just south of Guadalajara. Mexico
I’m an authentic, awakened empath traveling on good life Spiritual Journey. During this transition into the Golden Age, I’m taking my inner work deeper, my God work higher and my awareness wider. I’ve created the Inner Guidance Oracle cards so anyone can have a direct channel to their Higher or God Consciousness.
As an Elder, I realize that my respect given is my respect earned. During these trying transitional years, I’m okay being alone, peacefully living my serene Zen life, walking my dog and creating art. Those who can’t see or feel my love, are free to stay away – while I pray for the realization of good health, happiness and prosperity, for myself and everyone.
I invite you to read my Books and buy to display my Modern Art in you home. If not, so be it. On this site is the work of a Starseed Shaman, a clear channel of God Consciousness, an artist sent to help heal Humanity, a man who has accepted his calling. Like Krishna, I have chosen this dance in the splendor of my creation.
Please, you are invited to join me . . .
Please feel free to call or email me any time . . .
Everyone who has a birth certificate, didn’t and couldn’t have signed that certificated, which actually sold you to banks and stock exchanges to be used as an investment “strawman;” COLLATERAL, a token PAPER FUND INVESTMENT VEHICLE used in a very corrupt human being trading scam. We have all been used; controlled as tax paying slaves for their profit – and we now must take it upon ourselves to answer the most important questions, like: “If my name, my birth certificate, was used as investment collateral, how much money is in my Trust Fund?” Legally I will say this; Even though I am not the capitalized legal name on my Birth Certificate. I am not DAVID BAILEY ALLISON. I am legally the Administrator and Trustee of the Trust Fund Estate the corrupt 1871 USA, Inc. (now legally defunct “Legal” system) created in my name. This now illegal system had created 77 years of accumulating Trust Fund money, hiding my money from me. Most likely at least $100 Million. I Now want these thieves to RETURN MY MONEY TO ME, ASAP !!