Drawing by Dakan
The Highway Shaman Wisdom Reading
for May 13, 2020
HESITATION (Elements Tarot) Holding back, uncertainty. Not owning your power. Constriction in the power chakra.
PLAYFULNESS (Osho Zen Tarot) – Zen has dropped out of the serious world. It has created a world of its own which is very playful, full of laughter, even where great masters behave like children.
“When the Page of Fire enters your life, it is a sign you are ready for the fresh and the new. Something wonderful is just on the horizon, and you have just the right quality of playful innocence and clarity to welcome it with open arms.”
SIX OF FIRE (The Good Tarot) – Stepping into the limelight, being an enlightened influencer.
“I generously model my transformation so that others might be inspired. I put my light atop a hill so it can shine forth, helping others to find their way. I remain aware of shadows and people who have trouble basking in the warm light of higher awareness. I bless them but do not dim my own beacon. It’s time to renew my trust that I am contributing to the highest good of all in my own unique way.”
“As a form of self-care, I will practice a shielding visualization when I am with stressful people. I can still care about someone and also shield myself from their negativity.”
Wonderful video of the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAcpNyPkZJ8
Tribe of the Heart
(Part One – 54 to 45)
In 1995 I became an Ordained Minister and Diplomat of Earth Stewardship, a member of Linda Masterson’s Tribe of the Heart. I was given Multi-Dimensional Relationship Guidelines, created by The Alive Tribe. In the past days I’ve been thinking about my relationships; the ones I wish to hold on to, totally commit to, and the one’s I feel I must let go of. So today I wish to present the last 10 of the 54 Guidelines.
- The core of my existence is appropriate relationship with myself and God. All other relationships are dependent on this.
- I inspire other people to love themselves and I bring love, light, freedom and truth into my relationships.
- I am choosing to be motivated and inspired by self-love in my actions and behaviors in relationship.
- I recognize that the success of my relationships is fully dependent on my own ability to love and accept myself unconditionally.
- I commit to sacredness and hilarity in my relationships.
- I commit to total freedom and unconditional love in my relationships, releasing the freedom/love dichotomy.
- I commit to being present in relationship.
- I commit to let the people I love know how much I care about them and how important they are in my life.
- Everything is relationship. Nothing exists without it. It is God’s way of experiencing God. A life of unconditional lobe and sacred, lasting, intimate relationships is totally available now.
- I give myself the full support of my relationships, evolving them to their fullest potential.
Tribe of the Heart
(Part One – 35 to 44)
In 1995 I became an Ordained Minister and Diplomat of Earth Stewardship, a member of Linda Masterson’s Tribe of the Heart. I was given Multi-Dimensional Relationship Guidelines, created by The Alive Tribe. In the past days I’ve been thinking about my relationships; the ones I wish to hold on to, totally commit to, and the one’s I feel I must let go of. So today I wish to present the next 10 of the 54 Guidelines.
- I do not want relationships with someone who does not love and respect me or want me in their life. I do not need to judge them for their choice.
- Denial needs love acceptance also. If I offer someone in denial love and acceptance, I can feel if they accept it or not. If they do not, it is not appropriate for me to stay in their presence.
- I choose not to participate in relational drama. I am sober in relationships and I do not become part of other people’s problems.
- Expressing my will, aligning with my Spirit, and telling the truth keeps me from relational experience that I do not want.
- Healing and restoring my relationship with God is essential for success in all my other relationships.
- I realize that whenever sexual energy is exchanged, everything in the energy field is exchanged and amplified.
- Original families are not necessarily those Mose intimate to me. Only I can decide this. As denial and avoidance are released, this earth will change.
- I will not pressure myself to accept energy, behavior, or anything else from someone, when it does not feel good to me.
- I accept everyone’s right to exist in their appropriate place, time, relationship and form.
- I am open to supportive requests, recognitions, and suggestions, without allowing anyone over-ride my will, and without needing to defend myself.