The Highway Shaman Wisdom Reading
for May 26, 2020
Today the reading is telling me, asking me to share with you, that it is time to stop being so distracted; to let go of the old ways and welcome in the new. It is wisely said in the Chariot reading: “Everything I have worked for, including the obstacles I have faced and overcome, is now part of this time of victory. I have learned to see all aspects of my life as essential to my growth. I have fallen but now I have risen again to live freely and truthfully, fearlessly and skillfully.” Also scroll down to read a chapter from my Zen book about this.
The Reading
Elements Tarot
BRAHMA: Creative force of God. Exciting and inspiring process of manifestation. initiating, beginning.
REVERSED: Incompleteness. Emphasis on new ideas without actualizing them. Attachment to excitement.
Osho Zen Tarot:
Your connection with the universe is of consciousness. You cannot see it, so you have to go deep down with great awareness, watchfulness, witnessing, and you will find the connection. The buddha is the connection.
“You have an opportunity now to stop the tape, to quit tormenting yourself with ideas that you are somehow not ‘enough’ to be accepted and included. Recognize the roots of these feelings in the past, and let go of the old pain. It will bring you the clarity to see how you can open the gate and enter that which you most long to become.”
The Good Tarot:
“Everything I have worked for, including the obstacles I have faced and overcome, is now part of this time of victory. I have learned to see all aspects of my life as essential to my growth. I have fallen but now I have risen again to live freely and truthfully, fearlessly and skillfully.”
(from my book Zen Wisdom for the 21st Century)
We are multi-dimensional beings. This is the time of awakening, of choosing. Do I want to go back to living in the 3rd dimension of struggle and pain, or rise up into the 5th dimension; a new frequency of love, abundance and happiness?
I could have said, “How to live your life in peace and harmony without getting totally sucked into the bullshit of the world out there.” That would take some explaining. Anyway, the point is, Zen is all about living in peace, harmony and happiness, in this Here and Now moment. There is a journey to this Zen Place or peace, love and happiness, and it begins with letting go.
So I am someone who is standing in the path, a WayShower, pointing to this higher dimension, on how to live life in the most positive and healthy way possible.
Imagine yourself floating down a peaceful river on a lovely sunny day, minding your own business, wanting to be away from all your problems. Doing your very best to not have a care in the world. Suddenly the current increases and you’re about to crash into a huge boulder. You jump up and paddle like crazy, to avoid the crash. Whew. You settle back down, and then five minutes later another obstacle pops up, then another, one after another,. You’re caught in the rapids, and its ruined your peaceful day.
The obstacles of everyday life are everywhere. The world is filled with endless drama, which is very hard to avoid, and is stressful. You have to deal with problems at work and at home. Problems with the wife and kids and neighbors and in-laws. Problems with your health. Your peace of mind is distracted with politics, religion, sports, disturbing movies, unfulfilled desires, illness, and the damn cat, or the rats in at attic. It all adds up. Dealing with these obstacles takes a tremendous amount of your time and energy. Most people feel stuck, drained, and don’t know what to do about all these damn frustrating obstacles, which over-shadows the happiness they seek.
A “normal” 3D life is one of constant reaction to distraction. Eventually we get fed up with the bullshit, transform and evolve, and choose another way. The Way of Love is always the best choice.