An original mask – will go in my future art gallery – by Dakan
The Highway Shaman Wisdom Reading
for July 1, 2020
I find it quite interesting that I got SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS in reverse, two days ago. A friend sent me a video about multi-dimensions but it didn’t load up. Tomorrow. Until then I guess I’m still running on unused capacity for channeling. The inner world is fascinating. It’s also notable that the CREATIVITY card offers “a reminder to seek silence and centering within. Only then are we able to hear our truth.” And the EIGHT OF WATER telling me that I’m on a journey of discovery, letting go and seeking a deeper meaning and greater authenticity, beyond superficiality. I’m being asked to be even more Authentic. I go back and forth on whether or not to expose the Highway Shaman, to get these blogs out there on social network. But I also get that that is not my path. Maybe a new path will be shown soon.
The Elements Tarot:
SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS: Inner planes. Experience of other dimensions. Channeling. Communication with higher forces. Psychic powers.
REVERSED: Unattentiveness to spiritual guidance and influences. Not listening to the inner voice. Unused capacity for channeling.
Osho Zen Tarot: CREATIVITY (The Empress)
If you have found the truth within yourself there is nothing more in the whole existence to find. When you are cured, you throw away the meditation, you throw away the medicine. Then you live as truth – alive, radiant, contented, blissful, a song unto yourself. Your whole life becomes a prayer without any words, or better to say a playfulness, a grace, a beauty which does not belong to our mundane world, a ray of light coming from the beyond into the darkness of our world.
“There are times in our lives when too many voices seem to be pulling us this way and that. Our very confusion in such situations is a reminder to seek silence and centering within. Only then are we able to hear our truth.”
The Good Tarot: EIGHT OF WATER – Journey of discovery, letting go and seeking a deeper meaning and greater authenticity, beyond superficiality.
“All that glitters isn’t gold, and I know that I always deserve authentic riches, the gold that fills me with joy, abundance and understanding. I fearlessly pause to reexamine where I have been, where I am, and where I might go. Now I consciously choose the path that is right for me instead of the one that seems likely to draw me into it – or the one I think I ought to walk. I am true to my heart. I’ve come as far as I can, and I leave by the wayside the last vestiges of illusion, the last bits of fear and shame. I will no longer hold on to what isn’t right for me.”
Great Spirit, whose teepee is in the sky
and whose hunting ground is the earth.
Mighty and Fearful are you called.
Ruler over storms, over men and birds and beasts
have your way over all –
Find us this day our meat and corn
that we may be strong and brave.
And put aside from us our wicked ways
as we put aside the bad works of them
who do us wrong.
And let us not have such troubles
as lead us into crooked roads,
but keep us from all evil.
For yours is all that is
The earth and the sky, the streams, the hills
and the valleys, the stars, the moon, and the sun
and all that live and breathe.
Arthur Giera