July 14, 2023

 July 14, 2023

“A lot of people have asked your question, Benny. (What is real?) It’s probably the oldest question in the book, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t special to you. Everyone is trapped in their own special bubble of delusion, and it’s every person’s task in life to break free. Books can help. We can make the past into the present, take you back in time and help you remember. We can show you things, shift your realities and widen your world, but the work of waking up is up to you.” 


So, the words: “Ï can show you things, shift your realities and widen your world,” is my story. And I have no control over waking anyone up. That’s not my job, unless asked. Ànd I have spent my lifetime “waking up,” “widening my world.” Even though it’s not my job to attempt to (ego) wake anyone up, I have often wished my brothers and sisters would want to know me, to hear the story of how I’ve been able to break free from the delusions; the mind controls. I have come to accept that if others were able to sit calmly and really listen to the wisdom I’ve compiled from my over 55 years of deep research of the world of multiple dimensions of realities, 3D, 4D and 5D travels; outrageous things I have no doubt to be true, it would blow their minds. I will answer the question, no more than that.


(What is real?)


I’ve been contemplating this question my whole life, and have written many essays about it, and will attempt to condense it here. 

It begins with an important truth: we “create our reality.” We make up what we want to be real, and what we don’t want to be real. For instance – many were trapped in their father’s contrived authoritarian prison for 18 years, forced into obedience in his delusional bubble, up until the day you decided to get the hell away from that madness. Your freedom began the day when you, by your own will power, chose to leave – to head out on your own and create your own life real/ity: a reality which you can, should, sit back and marvel at today.  Good for you!

My evolved differently than anyone in my family, because I chose to live a David’s real life where, with my own tenacious and brave will power, my over and over and over again fearlessness, I’ve created my very own new and different realities, one after the other, for the past 56 years. Unlike my four brother’s – I’ve never stayed with one woman. My seven years with Sara seems like an unreal dream. I’ve never kept a job or home for more than three years. I’m a lone wolf, always leaving the small herd, packing up and moving on; from here and there. As an adult I’ve lived in Alaska, Nevada, Washington, California, Hawaii, Thailand and now Mexico. In the past twenty years, I’ve entered many “alternate realities.” And created homes in Oregon, Montana and Japan, in the fictional novels I’ve written. 

I’d like to pause and consider the five Fictional Novels I wrote, completed, beginning to end, plus my five semi-completed novels, and what it took to write each one. (not counting my 7 non-fiction books) Starting with nothing but a vague idea, I developed ten different interesting, believable, story plots, and then spent weeks, months, my seven years in Thailand, writing the stories, editing each one over and over, line by line, from the beginning to the end. 4000 original pages! While receiving very little, to almost none, recognition or praise. Hardly anyone has read even one word of those 4000 pages. I guess it’s okay for me to tell you, tell at least one person, in one paragraph, how I dedicated thousands of hours, years of my life painstakingly capturing and recording my visions in print. Not an easy thing to do – or apparently not easy for my family to hear what I actually accomplished.


I remember when I was at that very sweet secluded beach lodge in Thailand, a wonderful memory, totally dedicated to developing the Lucky Two Crows story; the 400+ pages about an American Indian Detective, who goes on an adventure to solve a murder mystery. In order to write that adventure with a compelling sense of reality, Lucky had to become my alter-ego. I was Lucky Two Crows. I had to take on his persona, as well as all the characters. (again not easy to do) 


In my personal David life – I, of course, want everything to work out. So, in that aIter-ego Lucky life, I wrote the story based on my dream – where I (as Lucky) have an amazing romance with a beautiful woman, while solving the mystery (of life). Writing that story was a vicarious wish for that to happen in my real life; wishing I would be the living character in an equally wonderful David’s love-life adventure story, with a happy Ending.    Delusional?


Not really. Maybe aIter-egoing is what any good storyteller is required to do.


Yes, as an author . . . “We can show you things, shift your realities and widen your world, but the work of waking up is up to you.”  And I say this – the work of setting the stage for the reader to wake up into the story – begins with the author waking up first. Yes, this has been my mission for the past twenty years as a writer – to wake myself up. For me to wake up, I MUST dive deep into the multi-layered alternate realities of the subject matter.


The day I sat down to begin writing the Twins Of Kashal story in 2002, I suddenly imagined 16yo Hawaiian Twins being sent through multi-dimensions of reality in search of their mother. The plot idea just came to me, but then how could I possibly write a reasonably believable compelling story – if I knew nothing about multi-dimensions of reality? How could I – “We can show you things, shift your realities and widen your world,” if I don’t know how to shift realities myself? This opened me to a new chapter in my very profound spiritual journey. And you may wonder, how could my continuing deep study and research of shifting alternative realities and dimensions not significantly add to my exceptional knowledge of this subject today, twenty years later?


From what I’ve learned, as an artist, a writer, a Spiritual Man, researcher, free range thinker, is that I can make up any story I choose. With the Lucky Two Crows Blackfeet Mystery, I could have written Lucky to be a charming psychopath, who seduces and manipulates the beautiful woman character, to get close to, be trusted by, her wealthy father. And then I could have Lucky breaking her heart, murdering him, stealing the man’s fortune, and fleeing to the Bahamas. Pina Coladas. Babes. The end. But I can’t write shit like that. My mind isn’t darkly twisted like Stephen King. As a must relate alter-ego author, I would never write something that didn’t “show you things, shift your realities and widen your world.” I can’t imagine or consider writing a novel that’s nothing but entertaining stupid bullshit. My stories must be a good realistic enjoyable-to-read tale, with a happy ending.


I’m happy with Tashi Jones. Another alter-ego.

I totally understand “talking to the book.” I have this overriding knowing that I’m not really the author – that my stories had already been written before I began writing them. That in some sort of unknown to me alternate reality, one day I began a conversation with – how can I say it? – the invisible real author; a spirit, a discarnate vibrational energy? – whispering to me to write an already written story. What? I was asked to relax and let the story naturally flow into my consciousness, to simply ingest it – and while assuming the role of author – I needed to hone my unique ability to capture an out in space story. I had to be okay with making countless listening mistakes, learning to filter through the multitude of images and words that entered my mind, and to edit what my mind was saying over and over again: to put together a well written composition for humans to read. Again – overwhelming – it was not an easy task. Especially doing it all alone.


Is what I just wrote, not exactly being mine, downloaded into me, so far fetched? Many authors will say that the story “just flowed through me.”


And again – in my struggles to be a good author/recorder, I learned that I can’t be “in the flow” of what comes into my consciousness, unless I mentally comprehend, understand, what I’m writing about. For me, the task of writing the Twins journey through multi-dimensions of reality only began when I understood the concept of multi-dimensions. 


So the question is important . . . 


What is Fiction? 


I’ve concluded that Fiction is really nothing more than a reporter tapping into an energetic field of seeing/remembering; being given permission to record the events of a story he or she can’t prove ever happened in this reality. In other words, Fiction is the recording of a dream. Posing the question, are dreams real?


What is Non-Fiction? 


Non-Fiction is really nothing more than arranging bits and pieces of historical recordings of what we’re taught to THINK actually happened in real life. Did it?


Let’s consider that the (non-fiction) past is nothing but a dream? No longer real, if it ever was. Who can prove that this is not the same as the future?


My Nonfictional thoughts and ideas may or may not be any different than my Fictional thoughts and ideas. I am free to dream up either one, to change or rearrange the story lines and motivations of any real or made-up characters. I question what seems to be an unspoken law – that Fiction writers are not allowed to change or rearrange the accepted reality of a real non-fictional character. (Unless they’re writing about Donald Trump).


I say this in respect to my God Conscious realization: We, none of us, no matter how intelligent, have the right – have enough information – about another human being – to judge them. This is because to judge them, we would need to know Everything about that person in this and every other lifetime. That includes everything about all their past lives, each and everything they’ve done from their first birth until now, throughout all eternity. What human is this All-Knowing?


We may conclude that the only way to be an All-knowing man or woman is as a character in a Fictional story, since as humans we’re taught we don’t, and never will, possess any of the omni God-like attributes. What about in our dreams? Are we not allowed to play out God-like expressions, abilities and attributes in our dreams? Who doesn’t allow this? I would argue that dreams are nothing more than an alternate expression of who we truly are. If I am free to dream, why not picture myself as a God in my dreams? That’s more exciting than picturing myself as a poor man suffering.


Back to my family, the Allison’s – in my mind, I had to rearrange the bits and pieces of my life-long bad story about my father Bill. I recently wrote, was he the Villain or the Hero, of my not so clear, possibly distorted childhood memory? Was my evaluation of him delusional?


I had invested over 70 years of my life believing, writing it as my 100% true story, that this man Bill was an unemotional, child abusing Villain. My judgments wouldn’t allow him to be anything resembling a very loving father, who in a previous life had coddled, spoiled, thus weakening his children. What if Bill really was reborn as a Master, who had learned the lesson of the Universal Law – that parents are only allowed Dominion over their children until age 18? What if he returned having learned from his previous life that the coddling and spoiling of his children had backfired, that he had only succeeded in raising lifelong energy sucking dependent weaklings? So let’s imagine he pledged that in this life he would be a Strong Warrior, a soldier, who would harshly discipline his seven children, so not one of them would ever be weak. And for him to agree to let go of all dominion, all control over them once they turned 18. David and Jerry’s story. And then imagine if Bill acted in any other way. If he had coddled you, Jerry, you would have still comfortably lived at home past age 20, and then you never would have met Cecille. Hero or Villain?


If I’m allowed to write about anything, and I am, is writing stories about my or your wondrous God attributes, either from dreams or living miracles, considered fiction or nonfiction?


I’m free to contemplate stories about you, Jerry Allison. Whether or not I choose to write these stories down, I am free to dream about you, to think of you as I may, am I not? Am I not allowed to have my invisible author showing up in my mind, telling me stories about Jerry’s past life? I consider that if I were to tell them to you, maybe you’d be convinced that I’m a nut case, just making shit up, that it’s total fiction. Maybe, or maybe you would take into account that I, as a Shaman, can and am having a vision, worth telling, of one of your past lives. Regardless, I’ll go on. I’ll tell a story of a time, around two hundred years ago, in a remote Mexican village, when you possessed the blessed attributes of a very wise and honored Sage, a most highly respected elder; the source of miracles, wisdom and comfort to the people in your village. And that your Sage wisdom was seen and accepted by all villagers as a “Divine Calling,” therefore you were a Holy Man they were obliged to care for. You were never allowed to work at a villagers job, or to be a normal man, married with children – something your heart had always secretly yearned for. Your only job was to bless, heal, love and console your people. 

It’s normal to dismiss this vision, probably only because your mind won’t believe it or allow you to remember any of your past lives. But what if it is true? What if you decided that in your next life – this one – you would not be a traditional Holy Man. That in this life you would be a normal (holy) man, with a good respectful life-long job, making beautiful gardens. And a wife – a fifty-plus year marriage with a loving woman, a lovely daughter and grandson, both who totally adore you? And what If you’re now playing out that other life’s fantasy dream, which at that time seemed to be ridiculous and totally unattainable? Can you accept that you’re now the living embodiment of a dream that has come true?



July 6, 2023

July 6, 2023

Today is my son Alan’s 46th birthday. I called him, giving him the highest praise and love I possibly could. I wish to convey the greatest part of being 3D to 5D human – to not hold back from giving and receiving LOVE.
I’ve written, for at least 20 years, about our Divinity. Thoughts of being Divine have been filling my consciousness again lately – the truth that I AM, your are, every human is (except reptilians and clones) A Divine Being. A living aspect of God.
And I’m realizing that from birth, up to age 18, all human beings deserve to be protected, loved, nurtured, and guided by our parents and tribe – basically to be good, to always choose do the right thing and explore personal creativity, without ridicule or shaming. Sound Of Freedom shows the abomination and horror when during those ages children aren’t free to live in this protective loving positive nurturing family environment.
And then I contemplated something that I’ve messed up with – my ego attachment to being a self-proclaimed “Awakened – more spiritually intelligent” person, somehow entitled to freely exert my will or righteous beliefs on others – like kindly lecturing my “woke” son Alan, or sometimes you, or anyone who’s over 18 years old. Not allowed.
After “leaving the nest” every person naturally organically assumes their own Authority. Should/can make their own decisions. They/we have, in pure consciousness, birthed ourselves here on earth into a 3D life reality – with our own personal presets of encounters to experience and play out. We could have decided to experience being a lover or a hater, a healer or a killer, a genius or mentally ill – it’s always each person’s Inner Authority choice to have whatever 3D experience they need, for them to own the lesson, to personally learn from each one and to then move on. There are no time limits. Possibly they need to become addicted to one lesson or another, and stay stuck in it for years. Perhaps the lesson isn’t entirely for them. Most often family and friends do interfere, panic, and become impatient viewing their loved one’s addiction, not able to see that person’s Divinity, injecting the “problem” with their fear and disappointment, over expressing unconditional love – thus giving the addicted person’s pain more power, to continue its expression.
In my personal healing process, I’m accepting that I was born into my 3D life for the very personal particular lessons that only I need to learn about and heal. Like I said – it seems that I was born to be a lone wolf artist/creator. It really is no one’s business to judge or decide if me expressing being me or you expressing being you is a wonderful thing or a fucked up thing. In living my life I’ve learned about what doesn’t feel good or right, so that now I would now rather feel better, more aware and self-loving, whether anyone notices or not. I’m considering that any judgments (mine or anyones) of my past or present behavior – is just silly made-up nonsense. My continuing to accept my Divinity is most important in my senior years.
As is my job as an elder “Light-worker;” which is to love without judging whoever comes into my life, no matter what. Especially to never forget that whether or not my son Alan is ignorantly following the woke agenda, unknowingly supporting evil – I’m to only see him as a man with a beautiful heart and to love him unconditionally. I’ll strive to keep reminding myself to see Everyone this way – in the light of love.
I see you with a wonderful loving heart. Most humans have loving hearts, though unaware of their Divinity. Maybe only 1 or 2% of the people are totally lost, mentally sick and brainwashed to be an advocate of Satanic evil; perverted pedophiles abusing our children or hoarding thieves. God please help them to stop it.
I keep thinking that since I do create my reality, why am I creating, insisting on, a “being alone” reality? Is it possible to create a happier reality, to bring love, at least a loving woman companion, into my life?
Two days ago, I got something stuck in my eye. I was in so much pain – it wouldn’t wash out. It exhausted me. And then the next afternoon, I finally accepting no choice but to and headed out driving the back streets Cabo – so hard to see while driving – searching for an hour, either they couldn’t help me or it was closed, until I finally found an eye doctor, who opened my upper inner eyelid and with a microscope light and mini tweezers pulled the stuck cactus piece out. Ich! It looked gnarly. Scratched my lens. He said I shouldn’t be driving – no choice but to drive home. Anything like that, a fall or cut, could suddenly happen at any time while living alone. It didn’t feel right.
I’m beginning to realize that having a loving companion living with me would be so good in so many ways. We’ll see what happens.

July 5, 2023 Dakan Wisdom – Part 1

“Before you entered a physical body you knew everything there was to know about Source; your Spirit. You had no thoughts or emotions, simply Pure Consciousness. You had no DNA, just a Light Body and the ability to create any physical form and adventure you wished, anywhere you chose to play. You did not know fear, lack or loss. Your Natural State was and is a Peaceful Neutrality, excited about experiencing Existence.

You have no lessons to learn, no karma to pay and no contracts to serve, unless you choose those experiences. Refresh the truth held within your SPIRIT, re-igniting the unlimited being you are, free of duality, pain and limitation, ready for your next great adventure.”  Q


Every human on earth is actually a walking Quantum Computer. If our collective human consciousness hadn’t been programmed by a sinister agenda, beginning at time of our birth and collectively going back, only considering, 200 years, our culture right now would be advanced far beyond our imagination. We have two energies. Source, God Consciousness animated by our Spirit in human experience; free to live in the present Here and Now, and Mind, an alien construct, usually lost in remembering, struggling to accomplish, judging, and future planning; originally designed to access the all-knowingness of Source, in order to fully enjoy life. 


The paradox of Mind is that we really don’t need its alien constructs, it’s teachings, programmed constructs, intellectualisms or religions, entertainments and distractions, to access Source. There are other ways, Zen is not a religion; it’s an invitation to align with Source in the here and now while sitting, walking, being, and doing what makes us happy.


Unfortunately a few psychopaths, have hijacked our alien Mind construct, and have no interest in expanding human happiness. Throughout history ruling classes have manipulated and extremely bastardizing our simple mind requirements, manipulating the minds of the people to serve them, as they accumulate and hoard wealth, elevated themselves above the good people.  These .01% elitist self-proclaimed masters, decided around 200 to 300 years ago that we, their worker slaves, had become too talented, too technologically smart, too inspired, threatening, and needed to be dumbed down. This is when they began destroying the world’s advanced technologies, like free electricity, laser tools and air travel in the 1700’s. They decided to re-set the world, where only a selected few would have access to the now secret advanced technology. They used a forbidden weapon to vaporized entire populations of cities, which in the USA included pretty much all high tech cities from East to West. New York City to San Francisco.


Part #2 continued


July 3, 2023

I’ve written some good essays lately. Maybe I’ll post them here. I’m not email them; sharing them, since it dawned on me that my shares were mostly about seeking attention. I would send friends cleverly written, at least I thought so, explanations, wanting feedback and praise. Thinking back, I didn’t really want criticism or even a  conversation – just praise. “Dakan – that was brilliant. I loved it.”
I’ve gone much deeper and I got over that Selfishness. My Neediness. It’s like with my Oracle cards. I put so much time and energy, a few thousand $’s, happily creating them, and now they sit in my closet. What made me make them? The act of creation. That’s what it’s really all about. Being a creator isn’t about making money or praise. It’s not about people liking my creations or not liking them. It’s simply what I do. I create. And then I create again. And then again. I created over 200 stone planters around my house. I’m not selling them and don’t really need to make any more. And yet, maybe tomorrow I will create another one. I create.
Today my pendulum said Yes, that I don’t need to do anything – don’t try, don’t think about it, just take it easy and allow it to happen when it will – don’t consider whether it’s needed or if I’ll like having it or not. Just be happy. And grateful.
Money? In the past two years, Spirit guided me to only make a few investments. Silver. XRP and XLM. Dong, Dinar and ZIM bonds. I really didn’t putting much thought into it. I bought some of this or that when guided. Not realizing that I’ve set myself to receive up to $1Billion dollars, maybe this year.  One of my essays is about this.
I’m also noting, remembering myself as a Shaman, that from my time of birth until right now, what I remember about this life is only the most visible of hundreds of 3D stories I’m involved in, many simultaneous. Just one story or another. All just lower dimension Drama. And only two things in the entirety of this particular 3D story (or any life story) that are important –


are the times I was happy lost in creation and the times I was happy lost in love.


February 18, 2023 – Wisdom card for the day





We were born with the ability to sense what’s good and bad, right or wrong; to feel a wide range of emotions.

Our Sixth Sense protects us from danger, the perception of a Divine gift or an invisible threat.

After acknowledging unseen influences, the next step is

to accept our perception of discarnate beings;

including our invisible Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and an Army of Archangels,

who are always here to encourage us to find our truth,

accessing God Within our hearts;

the highest gift of the great power of perception.


God speaks to me in mysterious ways


Dakan February 16, 2023

Why the Spirit Guide Wisdom cards


What I do is not about philosophies or judgements of what’s right or wrong or good or bad. That’s just a bunch of stuff out there. I’m addressing a person’s personal choice . . . a way for each of us to be able to access Our truth and Guidance from within our heart – circumventing the mind and confusing outside influences.


We are all here to, want to, enjoy this amazing world we live in, to be happy and have fun; to be prosperous and share our love with others. That’s what we’re here for and really want to do.

If we were doing what we love doing and are very good at and properly compensated, if it wasn’t for the busy tasks we think we need to do to afford the necessities, we’d be out traveling the world having fun and spreading our love and happiness with everyone we meet. 

But there’s this alternate reality – all these outside pressures – to do these tasks, to sacrifice and make compromises, in the way of just going out and enjoying our life. We get caught up in them and forget to ask our heart – Is this what I really want to do? Am I following my heart?

I love my home here in Cabo, love gardening and making planters. I love my two sons and look forward to sharing my home and life with them. I love having the 4Runner to get around. I love writing and my life in general – blessed with good health at 76. Glad to be alive. I think about being more prosperous, but in the here and now I feel rich and living in abundance already. And I love the cards I created that will help others to find their answers, which are in their hearts. I want them to find their truth for themselves.

I trust this simple tool, this gift given to me, so much that I or you or anyone, can do what I will do right now. No bullshit, just simply pull one random card out of 78 cards.

I’m thinking and I ask – what should I do about my involvement with the task I was engaged in?  (I go over and shuffle and pull one card).  Here it is:




What controls you?


Letting go is the realization that this person, thing or event no longer serves your best interests. When something no longer feels good in your heart or gut; the trinkets, the job, the possessions, and comforts which are controlling your life, it’s time to choose. Are my piles of stuff inspiring me or tying me down? |s holding on to this or that the reason for my stress and suffering? Protecting what no longer expands your sense of freedom, is life threatening. Let it all go. Honor yourself. Put your happiness and freedom above all else. It’s time to let go of what you really don’t need. 


I am free of all constraints


And that’s my truth and what my heart told me to do already, now validated with this one card.


Highway Shaman Wisdom #164

Open to the Energy of the Universe


Of my 200 potted cactus in my slate/cement containers, 

I was drawn to one and told to take the plant out. 

After a year it was totally stuck. Resisting.

It took a long time to get it out. 

I then put it in a much larger pot with fresh soil, 

I could feel its relief. 


And that’s how it is with us. 

We need to stop resisting. Stop being stuck.

Stop being contained in our small pot.

We need to be transplanted.

To find new ground where our roots are free to spread.


There is no right or wrong, no good or bad

In whatever we’ve done.

It’s simply time to pay attention and allow our flower to bloom.


I remember when I broke my arm 5 years ago. 

After that, I slowed down, and paid more attention to all my actions.

Same when I had a brain injury. 

 I lost focus and would forget, misplace or lose things. 

Now I pay attention and never forget where I put things.


All occurrences take us to another higher level of paying more attention. 

I’ll bet the majority of people who have memorable life experiences,

 will now be more discerning than before; more aware in the future. 


God’s love moves to enlighten every soul.


As a Light Worker forever attempting to align with Universal Consciousness,

it’s been difficult for me to focus on one person in this life, like a wife.

My Aquarian Universal Love for All can’t be contained in a little pot.

My love roots need to spread far and wide, to include Everyone. 


My dear friend Chante responds:


A profound truth that escapes us is;


ALL Are One


ALL paths lead to Unity Real I zation

So. . . . all peoples everywhere are being lead to

the Portal, where this realization is accomplished.

Such is the intelligence of love.


With love all are inspired from within to seek wholeness.

How that works is beyond me.


I might as well allow myself to be scooped up by the river and let it take me home.

I feel this although it is an energetic river.


It comes mostly at night when I let go of my vertical axis.

It starts in my heart and expands out thru every limb,

beyond my body to the outer beyond.

And then, it penetrates deeper and deeper inside my heart.


It knows what it is doing.


I feel like I am disappearing in a field of energy.

I feel it is trans-forming my body without so much as a word from my head.

No desires, no asking, no pleading,

no requests, no complaints, just breathing and going with it.




I am releasing the ‘world’ that has occupied my energetic structure.


Chante Quiett


 Nikola Tesla


We are whirling through endless space,

with an inconceivable speed,

all around everything is spinning,

everything is moving,

everywhere there is energy.


There must be some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly.

Then, with the light obtained from the medium,

 with the power derived from it,

with every form of energy obtained without effort,

from the store forever inexhaustible,

humanity will advance with giant strides.


The mere contemplation of these magnificent possibilities

expand our minds, strengthens our hopes and

 fills our hearts with supreme delight.


Nikola Tesla


Shaman Wisdom #151

Original raku art by David Dakan Allison

The Samurai

22 Life Rules


1.  Always regain vigilance, even after victory. A foe can easily strike you down while your arm is raised in triumph.

2.  Do not ignore the ever creeping presence of death. Embrace the notion, become familiar with it, you can not assume the end is somewhere far down the road.

3. Use this harsh reminder to live intently in the present moment. Ensure every second permeates with meaning and purpose.

4.  Exist to serve others.

5. Make decisions within seven breaths. Over deliberation weakens judgment.

6. A samurai lives with a single minded purpose. Each day must be focused towards a lifelong task. Purify yourself of the non-essential and concentrate your entire being on a worthy cause.

7. Work to surpass others. Do not settle to be amongst great warriors, seek to be the best.

8.  To follow “The Way” is to recognize your own imperfections and to go about fixing them until your death.

9.  The three virtues of a good samurai are wisdom, courage and compassion.

10.  Feel you are putting forth more effort than is needed, then you will be doing just the right amount.

11. Preparation is vital for your efficacy in battle. It enables you to make good decisions with rapidness. A truly deadly trait.

12. Wisdom comes from conversing with others. Do not be afraid to accept rough criticism. A good teacher reveals the faults you are unable to see.

13. Cultivate a burning, unrelenting desire to realize “The Way,.” Samurai have been known to pray with tears of blood wishing for their actualization.

14.   Repeatedly enquire, “how can I develop myself?”

15.   Foster a calm inner strength.

16. In times of hardship be the person people can turn to. Reliability is the mark of a legendary samurai.

17. A samurai cannot reach the heights of greatness unless they have had seven major failures.

18.  Rise at four, wash, eat at dawn and retire at dusk.

19. Once the task has been set, surrender yourself wholeheartedly to its completion. Act without hesitation or fear of consequences.

20. Taking the actions necessary to become a sage means you already are acting like a sage.

21.  A samurai is not discouraged by unfavorable odds.

22.  If you believe your valor is beyond compare and that your skills cannot be matched then this will give you the confidence needed to be the best.


Shaman Wisdom #150

Painting by David  Dakan Allison

24 Norse Life Rules (Lessons from the Vikings)


  1. Be a person of worldly intelligence if you desire to sit with kings. The man who only carries the limited scope of his village will be a laughing stock.
  2. Travel far and wide and you shall possess the secrets of man.
  3. When fear leads the way the destination is never glorious
  4. As one candle can light another, so too can greatness of mind be transferred amongst men. To remain in solitude is to deprive oneself of the kindling.
  5. Take care with your speech; it can be the catalyst for many needless problems. You never know who could be lending an ear to your ramblings.
  6. If you desire to claim a place in the world, arise early. The slothful wolf starves and the sleeping man rarely sees victory.
  7. Understand that a storm can change its course without warning. Always be prepared to brave a storm.
  8. Defeat your enemies in the fields before they reach your house.
  9. No matter how cautiously you live there is no escaping the fatal clutches of old age. So then, better to join the fray and fight proudly for something worth obtaining.
  10. A good friend speaks truly and from the heart, the one whose speech is always pleasant cannot be trusted.
  11. What will be etched into history about your life? What legend will be left long after you’re gone? How have you made this world better?
  12. There is always a sage wiser and warrior bolder than yourself. Be careful not to become too comfortable.
  13. Boastful thinking and exclamations of one’s brilliance attracts misfortune into one’s life. Live humbly, with quiet confidence and trouble will rarely beset you.
  14. Enemies often lurk in the shadows around corners, it would be wise to check them before venturing further on your path.
  15. Moderate yourself ruthlessly, allowing greed to consume you will bring nothing but sorrow.
  16. The critical man is quick to point the finger and causes much dismay amongst others. He is unknowing that he too shares in their faults.
  17. Lying awake in the night battling with ill thoughts offers no solutions. You rise unrested and in now better position than before.
  18. No matter if your dwelling is a fragile shack of sticks and mud it is valuable to have a home. Nothing crushes a man’s spirit more than having to beg.
  19. Joyous is he who shares in his riches. The coward hoards and lives in fear, rarely delighting in the fortune that seldom comes his way.
  20. Do not be ashamed of having simple clothing, pay more attention to your hygiene and demeanor.
  21. Do not be fooled by money, it makes a most unreliable friend.
  22. Give praise for each day regardless of what fate brings.
  23. When the winds are harsh one should chop wood, in fair weather row out to sea.In the romantic glow of candlelight passionately talk with a woman. Use a ship for travel, a shield for defense, and a sword for striking. Everything has its time and place.
  24. Common sense is your best friend.

Shaman Wisdom #128





I believe it’s important that I write about what’s going on in the political arena in the US. Rest assured that all of this is only a microcosm of a macrocosmic drama playing out on a Universal stage.

My life, my conscious thinking, my truth of being, is engaged on that stage; is quickly moving away from the confusion and turmoil inherent in the collective 3D consciousness on this planet. During this time of Transition into the Golden Age, entrance into the Age of Aquarius on December 21, 2020, my energy is moving 5th dimensionally, toward Universal Love, toward the highest levels of the Integrity Tone Scale; which are: serenity of being, compassion, cheerfulness, empathy, wonder, ecstasy, enthusiasm, gratitude and so on. Of course Unconditional Love.

When I observe American politics today, I see a whole lot of Low Integrity, which is frustration, confusion, antagonism, hostility, pain, anger, hate, resentment, victimhood, hopelessness, blame, grief, fear and so on. 

I have to ask myself, which of these two polarities do I want to identify with? You’re free to ask the same question.

On the highest level of Integrity we are being asked to be committed (to Universal unconditional Love); to expand our responsibility (as loving Spiritual beings), to increase our level of High Integrity, and to empower ourselves and others. We are being asked to be devoted to living in the highest level of Integrity possible, to make everything an opportunity to Enhance, to evolve into glory, personally be on purpose, to always tell the truth, and to clean up any damage we’ve caused.

On the lower level of Integrity, in order to move up the scale toward happiness, freedom and good faith, we are being asked to Tell the Truth; to decide to stop pretending, to develop trust, to expand our view of reality/illusion and imagine a positive (for all) result in all our actions. We are also asked the take responsibility for our engagement in the fight, to stop having to be Right, and to help produce a result which is for the highest good of all.

When I say “tell the truth,” I refer to self-identification. The answer to “Who Am I?” For me that answer is “I am a highly evolved Spiritual Being in a human body, having a human experience, which I can control.” That highly evolved bright child at birth was educated, taught, programmed to be “less than” Magnificent as an adult. The Bright Light of our Being was taken away, and now most of us are looking for a Savior to lead us back to the Light, instead of taking the long journey back to Self-Realization and personal Enlightenment. It’s our challenge in life to reach the highest level of personal Integrity, instead of blindly following the herd, following the leader. The challenge is to be guided by our Heart and Inner Knowing.

In the political drama playing out today, neither Donald Trump or Joe Biden should be, in reality could never be, anyone’s personal Savior. Both are highly flawed humans with Narcissistic personalities, who are stirring up egotistical drama in the arena of Low Integrity. Both are saying I’m better, you’re worse, I’m good, you’re bad, I’m right, you’re wrong, I will save and protect your world, and he won’t. It’s definitely not “Let’s work together and come up with a plan that is best for ALL the people of the United States.” That sort of solution isn’t even considered in a Low Integrity playing field.

The Low Integrity we are witnessing in this political climate, with 70 million people choosing one Savior vs 70 million people choosing the other Savior, will result in a bloody Civil War. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna is the charioteer leading Arjuna into a battle with his cousins, asking how can I, in clear conscious, kill them. The answer is that we’re righteous and good and they’re not. (so it’s okay) Today we’re seeing that both sides think they’re the righteous and good ones. Its splitting apart families and friendships like never before. The defense of one so-called Savior over the other has resulted in mass low integrity insanity, even from the most intellectual minds.

In my personal evaluation Joe Biden is a corrupt and senile old man who has no business leading our country. A more enlightened Democratic Party would have chosen a younger and brighter leader, one who could make peace with the Republican Party. Possibly Tulsi Gabbard. Donald Trump isn’t really a President, but more of the CEO of USA, Inc. He has a confrontational personality which causes division, not unilateral unification.  The Republican Party also could have chosen a younger and brighter leader, one who could make peace with the Democratic Party. Possibly Kristi Noem, the Governor of South Dakota. 

And this whole story is much deeper and richer . . . more shocking . . . then you could ever imagine. As a historian and scholar, a spiritual adept who speaks directly with Spirit Guides, a shaman and Earth Steward, a Keeper of the Crystals, I would like to speak of the most significant part of our human history, which has been covered up and erroneously labeled as myth. My study goes way back to Atlantis and the negative influences of the Anunnaki, which is playing out today in our political arena.

I will write about this another time.
